Somehow I got platooning with someone with 1.8k wn8, I asked if he could give us some help and he said he might be able to, the clan they are in participate in clan wars, and he has given me a few tips to give you guys, go in a platoon of 3 and get everyone in the platoon up the same flank and just practice focusing fire, he said he might be able to give some tips in a team training. The clan consists of people with about 1.5k to 3.5k wn8 and the clan is placed 165.
Basically I saw someone earlier get 3.8k dmg and 7 kills and told him gj, saw someone else in the same clan later on, and again, the 3rd guy asked me if I wanted to platoon, I accepted it and he has given me some tips to give you, they have 80% win rate on skirmishes.